Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The purpose and meaning of a selected text

Questions: 1. The purpose and meaning of a selected text2. Distinction between the opinion and evidence of subjectivity bias3. How to respond to texts4. How viewpoints, propositions and assumptions are used to convey meaning? Answers: 1.The purpose and meaning of a selected text This particular study has provided an in-depth understanding about the importance of academic writing for developing the knowledge and skill of a particular individual. Academic writing and reading can be explained in different ways. Whenever a particular writer is able to provide detailed information about a specific topic, this is categorized within academic writings. With the rapid progress of globalization, the existence of tourism destination is gradually demolishing (Catsambis, Ford and Hamilton 2014). Therefore, the responsibility of an academic writer is to highlight the importance of tourism industries in a particular place. People get to know important information regarding the effectiveness of tourism with the help of academic writer. The primary reason of choosing this particular content is to gain an in-depth knowledge and experience about academic writing. People of now a day are more concerned to conduct an effective research on various aspects of academic reading and writing. With the help of an effective academic writing the learn aholics have received ample opportunities to quench their thirst. The writer is not very much restricted within a particular domain. On one hand, academic writers can share their point of view regarding tourism industry; on the other, they can highlight the competitive market strategy of various business organizations 2.Distinction between the opinion and evidence of subjectivity bias The concept of opinion and evidence is completely different. Opinion is completely based on the personal comment. People have every right to make any kind of opinion in any topic. While making a personal comment, the speakers do not have to be concerned about the facts or proofs. On the other hand, evidence is based on reality. In order to highlight a fact or an evidence people should have the ability to prove the evidence at any time. In this particular case, personal opinion can take no place. While developing a particular article, an academic writer has not that freedom to deal make any kind of personal comment in order to influence the readers. The primary responsibility of a writer is to highlight the reality and to provide necessary information to the readers. Readers should get the freedom to justify the quality of writing in their own way. It can be relating from the practical point of view that visiting to a particular significant place, people can get the opportunity to have numerous experiences. Whenever a visitor intends to share the experience of the internal beauty of tourist spots, it comes as a spontaneous. Before developing a particular article, the responsibility of the writer would be to collect necessary data and information from the witnesses. After collecting data, the writes like to portray this vista in their own way. They can help the readers to identify the reality without showing any kind of biasness. However, the academic writers consider themselves successful only when they receive a positive response from the readers regarding their way of writing. In order to describe the surroundings of a particular tourist spot, it would be completely based on evidence (Harris 2014). The description of the visitor should match the reality. This particular study has provided a deep insight about the transformati onal administration and enthusiastic knowledge. 3. How to respond to texts In order to collect relevant data and information regarding a particular matter, the great man theory of authority can be adopted. As per this particular theory, people can explore the significance of the history of a heritage place. The reason behind making this particular place as a historical significance, the impact of this place on people, its importance to build the knowledge of this place can be evaluated with the help of this specific theory. Therefore, it is highly important to deal with the subject in such a way that people can get the scope to express their spontaneous flow of emotion. By utilizing this particular theory, the importance of academic writers has been evaluated. After visiting this place, people get to know different information about the history of the certain tourist destination (La-Niece 2013). Therefore, it is highly important to deal with the subject in such a way that people can show their interest to visit this place for enjoying its beauty. In addition, the manuscripts help to get many latent information regarding the designs and models of martins. 4.How viewpoints, propositions and assumptions are used to convey meaning Academic writing is one of the most effective platforms to come in close contact with the people of book enthusiasts. It seems to be remained as a silent companion for the academic readers. The viewpoints of an academic writer would be acceptable only when the readers would like to see the reflection of reality in the description of the writers. For an example, if tourism can be the subject matter of writer for a particular academic writer, the style of writing should be presented in such a way that people of various cultures can enjoy the essence of writing. The description of that particular place should be narrated in realistic manner. Readers would automatically be influenced to read this particular writing. They would be able to assume the place in their vision after reading the description. This is the superiority of an academic writer. Hence, it can be identified that each visitor has personal viewpoints on the different ways. Some of the portraits have successfully engaged a huge number of readers worldwide. With the involvement of these artistic portrays, readers understands the ancient culture in an efficient manner. On the other hand, ancient writing materials facilitate the readers to evaluate the prehistoric or historic culture of the British kingdom. Through the engagement of different ancient writing materials and photo gallery, readers enable to widen their individual knowledge on the particular subject. With the involvement of these rare collections of books, most of the academic readers obtain the opportunity to enhance the knowledge and information regarding that particular matter. Hence, it can be assessed that the different viewpoints, assumptions and proposals bear individual meaning on the particular culture or the tradition (Maarleveld 2012). Reference List: Catsambis, A., Ford, B. and Hamilton, D.L., 2014.The Oxford handbook of maritime archaeology. Oxford University Press. Harris, E.C. ed., 2014.Practices in Archaeological Stratigraphy. Elsevier. La-Niece, S. ed., 2013.Metal plating and patination: cultural, technical and historical developments. Elsevier. Maarleveld, T.J., 2012. The maritime paradox: does international heritage exist?.International Journal of Heritage Studies,18(4), pp.418-431.

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