Thursday, December 19, 2019

Children and Computers Essay - 1399 Words

Outline Topic: Children and Computers I. Introduction (paragraph 1) a. Hook: â€Å"The computer has been introduced into the early childhood education programs and elementary schools at the national level.† (brainy-child, â€Å"computers on your children†, May 26, 2010) b. Connecting information: many children begin to use computers at an early age, and children can use computers in negative and positive ways. c. Thesis statement: computers effect children in positive and negative manner such as, the negative effect from computer games and Internet on children, and the positive effect from computer on childrens education. II. Body: a. Paragraph2 (first negative effect) topic sentence: The negative effect of computer games on†¦show more content†¦Children will feel lonely because they spent most of their time on computers instead of spending their time with their family.This increases their daily stress because if they are not talking with their parents it means they ar e not sharing their problem, which is why they are facing trouble.( Wisdia â€Å"computer affects†, n.d.). Children should be with their parents instead of playing on computers because parents always advise and help their children. To conclude, computer games can affect on children in negative way, and change their behavior. Second, Internet affects on children in two negative ways. One obvious negative effect is login on sites that can damage children’s life. â€Å"Sites encourage children to use the Internet for the production, manufacture, and distribution pornography† (ojp, â€Å"Internet† , May 2001). For example, login on sites that sell alcohol and drugs. Also these sites give details on how to get and use them. Moreover, there are sites deceive children, and give them money to help them sell pornography materials. Those children who deceived from the internet there life will damage, and they will be in jail. Next obvious negative effect is chattin g with bad people who damage children minds. For instance, chatting with people who encourage children for violet and suicide. â€Å"Children are also easy target for sexual affenders who chat online with bad people and then make plans to meet them or slowly filterShow MoreRelatedThe Worst Computer Crime Of Children1870 Words   |  8 Pagesagreed on is the worst computer crime of them all: child pornography. 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