Friday, December 27, 2019

Learning And Personal Growth For Students Of Poverty

Module 4 Application Activity: Instilling Change Please read Chapter 5 of Teaching with Poverty in Mind. This chapter provides suggestions for changes that school districts can make to enhance learning and personal growth for students of poverty. Please choose three action steps the chapter suggests, that you would like to see your district implement to help you reach your students of poverty. For each action step, explain how you would implement it successfully at the classroom level, and the positive outcomes you would expect to see in your students. ACTION STEP (and page #) HOW I WOULD IMPLEMENT IT POSITIVE OUTCOMES FOR STUDENTS OF POVERTY Page 111 - Pre-assess to determine students’ background knowledge It is crucial to†¦show more content†¦It was fascinating! This is a great site with multiple strategies for teachers to use along with checklists. As teachers, it is important to front-load the information. When you do this, students are better prepared to engage in the conversations of the classroom, and be able to answer questions regarding the topic. The ultimate result is that your needier students to feel successful. Being flexible with your lesson plans is important, especially after gathering information from your classroom and having a firm understanding of what your students know. Having this information provides you with a clue as to what you need to spend time on, things that you can quickly touch on, how to group your students, what organizers you may need or word banks that you can use. If you find that some students are knowledgeable on the topic, they can be used as the teacher experts in the classrooms. The final part of this Action Step is to do a post-assessment. At this time you can ask the same questions as before or have them write 3 things they learned on a sticky note as an exit slip. Teachers can use these assessments to help students who continue to struggle, pinpoint students who learn in a different way, or even find students who have already mastered the objective and may be ready to beShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Poverty In Education1176 Words   |  5 PagesPoverty is a debilitating issue for many students who are in public schools in today’s society. Poverty is a crippling challenge that student’s and their parents have to deal with each day, it is a harsh reality that most of us do not understand, although we try to. Children from poverty are often lacking resources they desperately need in order to be a successful student. Parent’s who struggle with poverty are often unable to provide the attention their child needs, whether it be to their schoolworkRead MoreLow Income Studen ts And Academic Achievement1515 Words   |  7 Pagesn the introduction of this paper, I mentioned that low-income students tend to have decreased academic achievement. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Children and Computers Essay - 1399 Words

Outline Topic: Children and Computers I. Introduction (paragraph 1) a. Hook: â€Å"The computer has been introduced into the early childhood education programs and elementary schools at the national level.† (brainy-child, â€Å"computers on your children†, May 26, 2010) b. Connecting information: many children begin to use computers at an early age, and children can use computers in negative and positive ways. c. Thesis statement: computers effect children in positive and negative manner such as, the negative effect from computer games and Internet on children, and the positive effect from computer on childrens education. II. Body: a. Paragraph2 (first negative effect) topic sentence: The negative effect of computer games on†¦show more content†¦Children will feel lonely because they spent most of their time on computers instead of spending their time with their family.This increases their daily stress because if they are not talking with their parents it means they ar e not sharing their problem, which is why they are facing trouble.( Wisdia â€Å"computer affects†, n.d.). Children should be with their parents instead of playing on computers because parents always advise and help their children. To conclude, computer games can affect on children in negative way, and change their behavior. Second, Internet affects on children in two negative ways. One obvious negative effect is login on sites that can damage children’s life. â€Å"Sites encourage children to use the Internet for the production, manufacture, and distribution pornography† (ojp, â€Å"Internet† , May 2001). For example, login on sites that sell alcohol and drugs. Also these sites give details on how to get and use them. Moreover, there are sites deceive children, and give them money to help them sell pornography materials. Those children who deceived from the internet there life will damage, and they will be in jail. Next obvious negative effect is chattin g with bad people who damage children minds. For instance, chatting with people who encourage children for violet and suicide. â€Å"Children are also easy target for sexual affenders who chat online with bad people and then make plans to meet them or slowly filterShow MoreRelatedThe Worst Computer Crime Of Children1870 Words   |  8 Pagesagreed on is the worst computer crime of them all: child pornography. 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Keith Conners, a psychologist and early advocate for recognition of A.D.H.D., said, †¦ â€Å"the number of children on medication for the disorder had soared to 3.5 million from 600,000 in 1990† (Schwarz,Read MoreThe Effects Of Computers On Children s Early Childhood Education Essay1737 Words   |  7 Pagesimpossible to keep up without technology. Computers especially, are needed in most American’s everyday lives. So why would early childhood education be any different? From the beginning stages, there has always been a debate of whether computers have a positive or negative impact on children, young children especially. As computers have intergra ded themselves into many children’s lives and their education, the debate is even more prominent. Supporters of computer use in early childhood education believeRead MoreCHILDREN TODAY PREFER TO PLAY COMPUTER GAMES TO TRADITIONAL GAMES.2573 Words   |  11 PagesQ5: CHILDREN TODAY PREFER TO PLAY COMPUTER GAMES TO TRADITIONAL GAMES. People nowadays are busy with their own lives by spending much time on their gadgets like tablets, iPads and laptops including the children. They are either doing their job or playing games because of habit on the gadgets and forgot the traditional games. It is agreed to say that children today prefer to play computer games to traditional games. For instance, children nowadays did not participate in any club game of traditionalRead MoreAs computer access becomes increasingly prevalent with our children, concerns have been raised2900 Words   |  12 PagesAs computer access becomes increasingly prevalent with our children, concerns have been raised about that lack of parental awareness of their content exposure. One of the areas of great concern revolves around cyberbullying. The emotional damage created by the simple strokes of a keypad is often overlooked because of the electronic nature of the abuse. Cyberbullying like any other form of bullying, must be closely monitored by schoo l administrators with strict consequences for violators. After readingRead MoreComputer Software Technology For Early Childhood Developmental Learning Processes For ( Pre K ) Children Ages 1-62469 Words   |  10 PagesLinda Walker ENG 333 Y1 Professor Johnson August 5, 2015 To what extent does computer software technology assist in early childhood developmental learning processes for (Pre-K) children ages 3-5? Introduction Advances in technology since my children were born have always fascinated me. My fondest memories were traveling with the children in the car-prior to technology’s takeover. We would sing and talk to one another during this time. We were fortunate to live in an area close where we didRead MoreThe Negative Effect of the Internet on Children776 Words   |  3 Pagesthat the internet has both negative and positive effect on children. According to the kaver S, Robert E, Patricia M, Galerie J and Colette B on internet and children, the use of computer is more of disadvantage than advantage. It is of good benefit for children to know how to use the computer for educational purposes, which may include surfing educational articles and school homework. The effect of children not having access to home computer can vary depending on the personality of the Childs parentsRead MoreEducational Benefits Of Computer Games1651 Words   |  7 PagesEducational benefits of computer gam es for kids Long before computers become common for home use, children from not well up families did not have access to computers. This means that children did not involve themselves with computers and computers games too. With computers becoming common not only to offices but homes too, children are able to access the computer easily and more to it have given up their physical games to involve themselves with computers games. To this effect, concern have beenRead Moreeffects of technology on children1279 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY ON CHILDREN In today’s world Technology is everywhere. We use computers for almost everything in everyday life, including â€Å"babysitting† our children. Computers can have both positive and negative effects on children, while some of the negative effects on health and development are unseen. As adults, we understand the physical world around us and the concepts inside computer programs. Children, on the other hand, need to learn this with traditionalRead MoreInternet Saftey Essay886 Words   |  4 Pagesyounger children and arrest predators for trying to seduce young children. This is just one case of why parents are becoming more worried for their children to be using the Internet. Parents strive to find ways to keep their children safe while using the Internet and there are several ways you can do that right at home by protecting your children, having the computer in a high traffic place, and blocking websites. First of all, a great way to start protecting your children is to have a computer in

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The purpose and meaning of a selected text

Questions: 1. The purpose and meaning of a selected text2. Distinction between the opinion and evidence of subjectivity bias3. How to respond to texts4. How viewpoints, propositions and assumptions are used to convey meaning? Answers: 1.The purpose and meaning of a selected text This particular study has provided an in-depth understanding about the importance of academic writing for developing the knowledge and skill of a particular individual. Academic writing and reading can be explained in different ways. Whenever a particular writer is able to provide detailed information about a specific topic, this is categorized within academic writings. With the rapid progress of globalization, the existence of tourism destination is gradually demolishing (Catsambis, Ford and Hamilton 2014). Therefore, the responsibility of an academic writer is to highlight the importance of tourism industries in a particular place. People get to know important information regarding the effectiveness of tourism with the help of academic writer. The primary reason of choosing this particular content is to gain an in-depth knowledge and experience about academic writing. People of now a day are more concerned to conduct an effective research on various aspects of academic reading and writing. With the help of an effective academic writing the learn aholics have received ample opportunities to quench their thirst. The writer is not very much restricted within a particular domain. On one hand, academic writers can share their point of view regarding tourism industry; on the other, they can highlight the competitive market strategy of various business organizations 2.Distinction between the opinion and evidence of subjectivity bias The concept of opinion and evidence is completely different. Opinion is completely based on the personal comment. People have every right to make any kind of opinion in any topic. While making a personal comment, the speakers do not have to be concerned about the facts or proofs. On the other hand, evidence is based on reality. In order to highlight a fact or an evidence people should have the ability to prove the evidence at any time. In this particular case, personal opinion can take no place. While developing a particular article, an academic writer has not that freedom to deal make any kind of personal comment in order to influence the readers. The primary responsibility of a writer is to highlight the reality and to provide necessary information to the readers. Readers should get the freedom to justify the quality of writing in their own way. It can be relating from the practical point of view that visiting to a particular significant place, people can get the opportunity to have numerous experiences. Whenever a visitor intends to share the experience of the internal beauty of tourist spots, it comes as a spontaneous. Before developing a particular article, the responsibility of the writer would be to collect necessary data and information from the witnesses. After collecting data, the writes like to portray this vista in their own way. They can help the readers to identify the reality without showing any kind of biasness. However, the academic writers consider themselves successful only when they receive a positive response from the readers regarding their way of writing. In order to describe the surroundings of a particular tourist spot, it would be completely based on evidence (Harris 2014). The description of the visitor should match the reality. This particular study has provided a deep insight about the transformati onal administration and enthusiastic knowledge. 3. How to respond to texts In order to collect relevant data and information regarding a particular matter, the great man theory of authority can be adopted. As per this particular theory, people can explore the significance of the history of a heritage place. The reason behind making this particular place as a historical significance, the impact of this place on people, its importance to build the knowledge of this place can be evaluated with the help of this specific theory. Therefore, it is highly important to deal with the subject in such a way that people can get the scope to express their spontaneous flow of emotion. By utilizing this particular theory, the importance of academic writers has been evaluated. After visiting this place, people get to know different information about the history of the certain tourist destination (La-Niece 2013). Therefore, it is highly important to deal with the subject in such a way that people can show their interest to visit this place for enjoying its beauty. In addition, the manuscripts help to get many latent information regarding the designs and models of martins. 4.How viewpoints, propositions and assumptions are used to convey meaning Academic writing is one of the most effective platforms to come in close contact with the people of book enthusiasts. It seems to be remained as a silent companion for the academic readers. The viewpoints of an academic writer would be acceptable only when the readers would like to see the reflection of reality in the description of the writers. For an example, if tourism can be the subject matter of writer for a particular academic writer, the style of writing should be presented in such a way that people of various cultures can enjoy the essence of writing. The description of that particular place should be narrated in realistic manner. Readers would automatically be influenced to read this particular writing. They would be able to assume the place in their vision after reading the description. This is the superiority of an academic writer. Hence, it can be identified that each visitor has personal viewpoints on the different ways. Some of the portraits have successfully engaged a huge number of readers worldwide. With the involvement of these artistic portrays, readers understands the ancient culture in an efficient manner. On the other hand, ancient writing materials facilitate the readers to evaluate the prehistoric or historic culture of the British kingdom. Through the engagement of different ancient writing materials and photo gallery, readers enable to widen their individual knowledge on the particular subject. With the involvement of these rare collections of books, most of the academic readers obtain the opportunity to enhance the knowledge and information regarding that particular matter. Hence, it can be assessed that the different viewpoints, assumptions and proposals bear individual meaning on the particular culture or the tradition (Maarleveld 2012). Reference List: Catsambis, A., Ford, B. and Hamilton, D.L., 2014.The Oxford handbook of maritime archaeology. Oxford University Press. Harris, E.C. ed., 2014.Practices in Archaeological Stratigraphy. Elsevier. La-Niece, S. ed., 2013.Metal plating and patination: cultural, technical and historical developments. Elsevier. Maarleveld, T.J., 2012. The maritime paradox: does international heritage exist?.International Journal of Heritage Studies,18(4), pp.418-431.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Research Proposal Child Sexual Abuse and Represse Essays

Research Proposal: Child Sexual Abuse and Repressed Memories Kerrice Lawrence IDST 400 Dr. Gayle Thrift November 6, 2012 Introduction Child sexual abuse has been happening for eons. Unfortunately the molesting culprits are often close to the child and may include an elder brother and cousin, teachers, fathers or father figures as well as uncles. The children are intimidated allowing the culprit to continue these heinous acts while the child is silent. However a sexually abused child could exhibit some growth and development regression symptoms as their only unspoken defense away of the consequence of verbal communication. Needless to say, a child that suffers sexual abuse is also likely to suffer long term effects. Repressed memories have been known to re-emerge into the conscious mind often triggered by one event or a combination of events. The patient suffers recollection of some or all the traumatic encounters that they underwent as a child. These memories could either be partial leading the victim to probe the matter further or full memories of actual events, people and places. However, the question on the reality and accurateness of these memories is questionable. This research attempts to understand psychological and sociological perspectives on why some memories are repressed and others retained. Further, is to understand to understand how the memories of abuse can affect one's life. This research seeks to understand how these memories be recalled in a controlled environment that allows the victim to be able to deal with the tragic events and the people in their lives that committed such attrocities. Hypothesis That repressed memories are an in-built self-defense mechanism relied on by sexually abused children to protect them from emotional scars they are not able to deal with immediately un til such time as they are ready (Freyd, Schooler, Sivers, 2002) . To understand why some memories are retained while others are repressed and what may cause those repressed memories to be recalled into the concious mind set. Definitions Child abuse is defined as coital relations or any coital related activities with a child by a person with of considerable maturity, where the older party has influence over the child. It includes sexual touching such as penetration of the child, fondling; non-touching such as indecently exposing a child, masturbation while a child is watching, exposing a child to pornographic content; and exploiting children sexually by engaging them in pornography or using them to produce pornographic content (American Humane Association, 2011) . Children are often tricked or forced into such sexual acts. Repressed memories refer to when the mind, after experiencing a psychologically traumatic or devastating event, automatically resolves to lock out this event from being stored in the brain and consequently being remembered at a later stage. According to Sigmund Freud - who coined the term -, this would happen so as to ensure the affected person does not have to deal with the emotional trauma of the occurrence of the event. Repression is automatic and different from suppression which is intended or deliberate (Richmond, 2011) . P sychology refers to scientific attempt to understand human behaviour. It analyses behaviours and behaviour change in human beings. It delves into understanding why certain people behave in a certain way, what experiences may be attributed to certain behaviours et al. It further considers matters that may be going on in the unconsious mind that could be affecting or causing certain behaviour in a particular person. With this understanding, it seeks to heal behavioural problems that may emanate from experiences one has had in the past and whose effects are visible in the present. Sociology seeks to understand the social activities of human beings, their structure, development. It tries to understand their problems while attempting to offer a solution for them that would be amicable. It investigeates and critically anlyses social structure in an attempt to understand human beings, explaining the effects of events in human lives and the course a person is likely to take after suffering certain events (Weber, 1994) . Research Methodology and Design To carry out my research I will carry out literature review of past works from sociologists who have conducted observations on victims who suffered abuse. I will concentrate on

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Response To Romeo And Juliet Franco free essay sample

Response To Romeo And Juliet ( Franco Zeffirelli Movie Version ) Essay, Research Paper Response Page to Romeo and Juliet ( Franco Zeffirelli Version ) The version of Romeo and Juliet, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, stays true to most of the original Shakespeare on which the movie is based. In some topographic points, though, the manager took certain autonomies in his divergence of the book from the original drama that I personally find excessively wild. Other things that I disagreed with in Zeffirelli s version were his costuming and music use. The first job I had with the work was his film editing of some of Romeo s most powerful lines in the drama in Act 1 scene I, when he is discoursing his problems with Benvolio. I think that at the terminal of this scene Romeo s contradictory footings paint a really good image of his character and what his mentality is at the beginning of the drama. We will write a custom essay sample on Response To Romeo And Juliet Franco or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The power that illuminates from such paradoxes as heavy elation, cold fire, still waking slumber, and my favourite which in itself may be a microcosm of the whole work deformed pandemonium of good looking signifiers. That last line seems to sum the full subject of Shakespeare s chef-doeuvre, and I found Zeffirelli s cut of those lines shocking. The following job I had with Zeffirelli s version of the drama was his inane costuming and usage of music. The costumes were bright and colourful, meaning a really happy topographic point. Verona is non a happy topographic point it was in complete confusion due to the discord of the two wealthiest households in Verona. The Prince was really unhappy with his metropolis, yet the costumes gave a really happy feeling. That was an bothersome anomalousness. The music he used was besides unneeded. I truly think that the music during much of the film merely reaffirmed tempers that the secret plan did a all right occupation of set uping itself. During the scene following the balcony scene where Romeo runs place was particularly annoying. In decision, I found Zeffirelli s version of Shakespeare s celebrated drama to be grating and overdone. If Zeffirelli had interpreted some scenes closer to the manner I did, and had let the drama speak for itself more I would hold been more impressed with the work.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Introduction to Circuits -Lab Report Essay Example

Introduction to Circuits Introduction to Circuits -Lab Report Paper Introduction to Circuits -Lab Report Paper After completing these parts our aim is to see the operation oscilloscope and analyze simple circuits. Experimental work; In the first part of the experiment we read the colors of given resistors. There were 4 resistors in the kit. Three of them were same because their colors at the right hand side were same an done of them was different. The color of 3 resistors were orange and other one was red so when we looked at the color code table our three resistors were 10. 000 ohm and other resistor was I OHO ohm. After using color table we determined the values of resistors by using altimeter While measuring the values of the resistor by millimeter it is important to not to hold it by two hands since the human body has an effect on it and wrong values can appear thats why we measured them by placing the resistors to board. The results that we obtained are as follows: First resistor = 10 k ohm= 10 000 ohm Second resistor: I C. 23 k Ohm = 10230 Ohm Third resistor= 9. 91 k ohm = 3910 ohm Fourth resistor- 0. 987 k ohm 987 ohm As seen in the results by using millimeter we obtained the values which are very close to actual values. The elements that we used re linear elements we obtained linear graphs. In addition to that A linear circuit is one that has no nonlinear electronic components in it. Examples of linear circuits are small-signal amplifiers, differentiators, and integrators, or any circuit composed exclusively of ideal resistors, capacitors, inductors, pop-amps, and other linear circuit elements. Some examples of circuits and components that operate in a nonlinear way are diodes and transistors These pictures are for the part that we used Math menu and selected addition and subtraction functions from the math menu _ This Picture is for the step that we connected CHI probe to the PROBE COM of the oscilloscope and observed the s,anal by pressing the CHI menu button, We adjusted the amplitude of the output of the signal generator to IV peak to peak. After following these steps we observed the both square and sinusoidal wave forms on the screen. Conclusion As a result in the lab I we became familiar With lab components and how to use them in a proper way such as millimeter, oscilloscope, signal generator and voltage source. We also learned how to connect resistors in series and parallel. In addition to that we observed that there are two ways to measure the value of the resistor. The first way is to connect to the millimeter the second way is calculating its value by using color table according to the colors on the resistors. We learned the structure of the board (which we used for setting the circuit) and using the board with jumps. Beside these information we also learned the structure of the cables which we connected to voltage and signal generator. The red pin leads to positive pole and the black one leads us the ground.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Maryland v. Pringle, 540 U.S. 366 (2003) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Maryland v. Pringle, 540 U.S. 366 (2003) - Essay Example After asking Partlow, the driver, for his registration the police recognized a roll of money in the compartment and sought to perform a consensual search before allowing them to proceed. The police seized $763 and cocaine stuffed behind the armrest of the back seat. The three acted ignorant of the drugs and money by denying ownership or knowledge of the drugs. This prompted the officers to have all the three arrested, taken to the police station and given a Miranda warning (Carmen & Walker, 2014). However, Pringle relinquished his Miranda rights confessed to own the drugs and money without the knowledge of his friends. Consequently, the trial court sentenced him for possession of cocaine for circulation. However, Pringle claimed that his arrest was illegitimate but was denied motion and had to face ten years of custody without parole. Although, the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland unanimously supported the conviction, the Court of Appeals of Maryland reversed it. The court reveal ed lack of sufficient evidence to arrest, since even Pringle did not show any sign of previous knowledge, control, or authority over the drugs and money. Firstly, the officer’s arrests did not breach the Fourth Amendment by arresting Pringle on probable cause. However, there was not proof of Pringle’s culpability beyond rational doubt. Based on the case Brinegar v. United States (1949), warrantless searches should be founded on reasonableness. The arrest was not reasonable given that speeding was the particular reason for pulling the car and not drugs and money. Consequently, a determination of the events leading to the arrest by the court led to the reversal of the decision to convict Pringle for ten years. Despite acknowledging that the money was innocuous, and not worth consideration as a determinant of probable cause, the court agreed on the existence of probable cause in facts such as driving at