Friday, February 7, 2020

Crml Reseach Assistment 1 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Crml Reseach Assistment 1 - Article Example Kidnapping is an offence, which according to law, has been categorized into degrees in relation to its magnitude (Kaplan, 2004). The best type of research that will be applied when approaching the problem of kidnapping is descriptive. Through descriptive research, the important variables; dependent and independent will be established, which will aid in conducting the research. The descriptive research will start by exemplifying the problem, conducting a literature review, developing a research tool, identifying the population and sampling, data collection, and thereafter analyzing the data. This research will take on quantitative method, which will aid in testing the hypothesis scientifically. Qualitative data will be derived from a reliable source, which is the population, and this will be through conducting a sample survey. The data will be analyzed with the aim of establishing whether they correlate or associate with one another. For instance, through quantitative research, the study will try to prove the hypothesis, â€Å"Individuals from richer families tend to be victims of kidnappings while individuals from less privileged backgrounds tend to be the instigators of kidnappings†, to be true (Kaplan,

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