Sunday, January 5, 2020

John Locke Enlightenment - 1191 Words

The Enlightenment was a time of discovery and innovation, for political and personal philosophy. The main purpose of the enlightenment was to understand the world through different approaches this was a time where knowledge was learned and gained throughout this time especially through a philosopher called John Locke who had ideas on freedom of religion and the rights of citizens and also wrote two books in order to show his points those books are called â€Å"Two Treatises of Civil Government† and â€Å"An Essay Concerning Human Understanding† where he starts to discuss political power, state of nature, difference between state of nature, and state of war, functioning of property and the way the government should be run in the â€Å"two treatises of†¦show more content†¦However Locke does go back on this saying an individual can only get these things if its reasonable for them to use for their advantage and he goes further with the apple example by saying he can only take so much apple and eat so much before the rest of them go bad and he has to throw them out and he went past his natural rights by picking so much apples because there is only so much you can take and so much one can use so then Locke decides to place this rule to the land saying people can claim that land by still applying land and still pick apples but only if its reasonable and its not going to be wasted. Locke takes this a bit further by saying all the goods that people will collect will soon go to waste but if someone collects too much of one item that individual can then trade that item for a different item that someone may have too much of. My understanding of Locke’s idea on labor is that if one puts in labor into anything they can then own that object or good from what comes from that labor an example of this would be a teacher teaching students and the teacher puts in labor to get students to pass the class and the students pass the class with good grade s the teacher then owns the grades because of the labor put in to get students to pass with thoseShow MoreRelatedEssay on John Locke and the Enlightenment579 Words   |  3 PagesThis paper is about John Locke who was a philosopher in the 17-century. He was an Englishmen and his ideas formed the basic concept for the government and laws, which later allowed colonist to justify revolution. 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